Your current Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign might not be performing well due to several common reasons. Think of your PPC campaign like a garden that needs the right conditions to flourish:

1. Poor Keyword Selection: Just as a garden needs the right type of seeds, your campaign needs the right keywords. If the keywords you’re targeting aren’t what your potential customers are searching for, your ads may not appear in front of the right audience.

2. Ineffective Ad Copy: Your ads need to be compelling and clear, much like how a plant needs sunlight to grow. If your ad copy doesn’t clearly communicate the value of what you’re offering or fails to catch the viewer’s interest, they might not click on your ad.

3. Lack of Optimisation: A garden needs regular care and adjustment. Similarly, PPC campaigns require ongoing optimisation based on performance data. Without reviewing and adjusting your bids, targeting, and ad copy, your campaign will not improve or reach its full potential.

4. Budget Misallocation: Just as water is essential but too much or too little can be harmful, your budget needs to be allocated correctly. If your budget is too low, your ads might not show up often enough to make an impact. If it’s spread too thinly across too many keywords, you might not bid competitively for the most important searches.

5. Landing Page Issues: The place where your ads send users, the landing page, needs to be relevant and easy to navigate, much like how the soil needs to be fertile for a seed to grow. If your landing page doesn’t match the promise of your ad or is difficultto use, potential customers may leave without taking action.Your landing page needs a clear call to action–you need to tell your potential customer exactly what you want them to do.

At Streamshare we understand these issues. Using over a decade of experience and the latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools we can get sensational results for you, much like how tending to a garden with the right Knowledge AI tools can help it thrive.

Imagine your Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign is a high-performance car in a race, where the goal is to reach your target audience faster and more efficiently than your competitors. A PPC Management Agency is like a professional race team that’s essential for winning the race. Here are three reasons why you need an agency such as Streamshare Digital Marketing:

1. Expert Tuning and Maintenance: Just as a high-performance car requires expert tuning and regular maintenance to perform at its best, your PPC campaigns need continuous optimisation and adjustment. Our PPC Management Agency has the expertise to fine-tune your keywords, ad copy, and targeting to ensure your campaigns are running at peak efficiency. We know how to make the right adjustments at the right time, much like a pit crew knows exactly when to change tyres or refuel the car to achieve the best race performance.

2. Navigating the Racecourse: A professional race team has the experience to navigate the track effectively, knowing when to speed up, when to slow down, and which path to take. Similarly, Streamshare understands the digital marketing landscape. We can navigate through changes in market trends, search engine updates, and competitor strategies, steering your PPC campaigns in the right direction to avoid costly mistakes and leverage opportunities.

3. Data-Driven Strategies: In racing, teams rely on data and analytics to make informed decisions about car setup, strategy, and adjustments. We use advanced tools and analytics to gather data on your campaign’s performance. We analyse this data to make informed decisions, optimising your campaigns for better ROI. Like a race team analysing lap times and tyre wear to plan their next move, our agency uses performance metrics to continuously improve your campaigns.

Streamshare Digital Marketing provides the expertise, strategic insight, and data analysis capabilities to ensure your PPC campaigns are optimised, competitive, and capable of achieving the best possible results, just as a professional race team is essential for winning a high-stakes race.

Google Ads can be a highly effective advertising tool for many businesses across various industries, however it is not right for every business. Its effectiveness can vary based on several factors.

1. Strong Online Search Presence: Businesses that offer products or services frequently searched for online can benefit greatly from Google Ads. If there’s a high volume of search queries related to what you offer, Google Ads can help capture this demand.

2. Competitive Edge: Companies that have unique selling propositions (USPs), competitive pricing, high-quality products, or excellent service are more likely to convert the traffic from Google Ads into customers.

3. Well-Defined Target Audience: Businesses that have a clear understanding of their target audience can use Google Ads effectively to reach potential customers based on specific demographics, interests, and behaviours.

While Google Ads has the potential to drive significant benefits for many businesses, success is not guaranteed for every business. Factors such as industry competitiveness, search volume, budget, and how well the campaigns are managed play a critical role in determining the effectiveness of Google Ads. It’s also important for businesses to consider their overall marketing strategy and how Google Ads fits into that strategy.

Streamshare Digital Marketing has the team and the latest most innovative Tools in place to get you the best result possible. However, if we believe your business is not suitable for online marketing, we will tell you. We won’t bring you on board unless we are sure we can help. Like you, we value our reputation, so we are only looking for companies we can help to grow.

The time it takes to see results from a PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaign can vary widely depending on several factors. Typically, you can start seeing traffic as soon as your ads are live, but seeing meaningful results such as conversions, sales, or significant ROI might take a little longer.

1. Campaign Setup and Optimisation:
  • Immediate Traffic: PPC campaigns, especially on platforms like Google Ads, can generate traffic almost immediately after your ads are approved and live.
  • Optimisation Period: It usually takes a few weeks to a few months to collect enough data to optimise your campaigns effectively. Initial optimisation focuses on adjusting keywords, ad copy, and targeting settings to improve performance.
2. Budget:
  • Higher Budgets: Larger budgets allow for more clicks and faster data accumulation, which can speed up the optimisation process.
  • Lower Budgets: Smaller budgets will accumulate data more slowly, which may prolong the optimisation period.
3. Industry and Competition:
  • High Competition: In competitive industries, it may take longer to see significant results as we adjust your strategies to stand out among competitors.
  • Seasonality: Some businesses may see faster results during peak seasons when more users are searching for their products or services.
4. Conversion Goals:
  • Simple Goals: Campaigns with straightforward conversion goals, like filling in a form or making a phone call might see quicker results.
  • Complex Sales Cycles: For products or services with longer decision-making processes or higher price points, it can take longer to see conversions as customers take more time to research and decide.
5. General Timeline Expectations:
  • First Few Days: You’ll start seeing traffic and leads with initial data on ad performance.
  • First Month: We use this time to adjust and optimise your campaigns based on initial performance indicators.
  • 1-3 Months: By this point, we have a clearer picture of what’s working and what isn’t, allowing for more targeted optimisations.
  • 3-6 Months: For most campaigns, this period should show a more stabilised performance and clearer ROI, as we do regular optimisations based on collected data.
6. Important Considerations:
  • Continuous Optimisation: PPC campaigns require ongoing management and optimisation for the best results. It’s not a “set it and forget it” type of advertising. Your competitors that we are trying to beat, are always adjusting their strategies, we need to adjust to beat them.
  • Learning Phase: Google, Bing and Facebook all have a “learning phase” where the algorithm adjusts to your settings and audience. Performance might fluctuate during this time. However, the use of sophisticated AI Tools has dramatically reduced the time to get a campaign performing well.

Ultimately, the key to shortening the time to see results from a PPC campaign lies in continuous testing, optimisation, and adjustment based on performance data. Regularly reviewing and refining your campaigns can help us achieve and exceed your goals more quickly.

Deciding whether to advertise on Google, Bing, Facebook, Instagram, or a combination of these platforms depends on several factors related to your business goals, target audience, and the type of products or services you offer.

At Streamshare we will work with you to ensure we:

  • Understand Your Audience: Determine where your target audience spends their time online. Younger demographics might be more easily reached on Instagram, while specific interest groups could be more active on Facebook. Every day or emergency services would be best using Google and Bing.
  • Define Your Objectives: If your goal is to capture demand (people actively searching for your products or services), Google and Bing are strong candidates. If you’re aiming to build awareness or tap into interest-based targeting, Facebook and Instagram might be more appropriate.
  • Consider Your Budget: Distribute your budget across platforms to test which one provides the best return on investment (ROI) for your specific goals. Remember, diversification can help you discover the most cost-effective channels for your business.
  • Ultimately, the choice of platform is based on where your audience already hangs out or is searching. This might sound obvious, but sadly not all Agencies take this into account–You need to go where your audience is.

All management tasks are included in your monthly fee. There are no hidden costs. You will however need a separate budget for your Advertising spend.

 Most websites are fine for Advertising, or may just need a small tweak to ensure the best conversions. Steamshare will make these very minor changes as part of your monthly fee.

However, if your website needs a more involved update, you may need to pay a developer to make the appropriate changes. Streamshare may be able to assist with these changes. 

Yes, we have dedicated Account Managers so that one person totally understands your business, you and your goals. However, we also have back up team members just in case.

We provide very comprehensive reports. For your first report we have an initial phone call to walk you through the information and ensure you understand exactly what results we are achieving. This call also allows us to get vital feedback from you regarding results, changes in directions and/or recommendations.

Absolutely. We will review your current campaign and come back with a plan of how it can be improved. We will need access to your current campaign to complete this review. We can assist you to get access to the campaign if you don’t already have access.

Streamshare Digital Marketing offer Jargon free feedback. We are business owners, just like you. We speak your language. One of our key skills is translating tech speak into everyday information that is easily understood by everyone.

Pick up the phone and give us a ring on 02 8133 6226. Or complete this form. We look forward to assisting you achieve your goals and grow your business!

Edge AI Ads Mannagement


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